Jonas Mom 贏得iMOM形象獎的榮耀
Sat, 15 November 2008 at 5:46 pm
Denise Jonas Wins Best Mom Award

Denise Jonas — the mother of the Jonas Brothers — just scooped up the 2008 iMOM Inspiration Award.
Each year, iMOM will be honoring a mother who inspires other mothers to raise children who are healthy spiritually, mentally and physically. iMOM says, “Good character doesn’t just happen. It is consistently taught and modeled usually by a devoted mom. Denise Jonas is an inspiration to mothers to make relationships with their children a priority. To put aside the distractions of this busy world and take time to invest in your children’s character.”
Kevin, Nick and Joe have all said they look to their mom for inspiration. Nick has said, “We’re just normal guys….we’re not perfect we’re just living every day as it comes and trying our best to make our mom proud.”
Congrats, Mrs. Jonas!!!
◆Jonas Mom 贏得iMOM形象獎的榮耀
Denise Jonas,Jonas Brothers的媽媽,剛摘下2008的iMOM形象獎。
每一年,iMOM都會發布今年的模範媽媽,讓其他的母親們有個模範對象,好養育自己的小孩成為心智上,健康上和生理上的好孩子。iMOM說道:「好的典範不會憑空出現,一定是他的行為和舉止都十分得體,成為一個對孩子極力奉獻達到言教與身教的合一,而Denise Jonas正是這樣的象徵。總是將其他繁忙的事放旁邊,並把孩子的事情永遠擺在第一位,努力塑造教導他孩子的品德與做人處事道理。」
哈哈~~恭喜強納斯媽媽~~得到這個大獎~~~ Congratulations~!!