◆Jonas Brothers ‘Tonight’ Music Video Details!
※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
資料來源:〔Just Jared JR.〕
Jonas Brothers即將在1月19日,星期一,發行他們Tonight的MV。
Jonas Brothers在AMAs(全美音樂大獎)時對Popstar!說道:「這次的MV將會融入一些3D電影和幕後的影像。」
聽起來很像是When You Look Me In The Eyes這支mv對吧?請在一月時九日準時收看迪士尼頻道。
The Jonas Brothers are gearing up to turn Detroit Rock City into Jonas Rock City on Sunday, January 18th, when they rock out the North American International Auto Show.
But why stop there? MTV has listed the top five reasons why Nick, Joe and Kevin should perform at President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration ceremony. Here are the top five reasons:
– The Jonas Brothers’ new video, “Tonight,” comes out January 19th! The day before the inauguration! Coincidence? HARDLY!
– As they proved in their “Burnin’ Up” video, any one of the JoBros could sub in for the secret service if needed.
– Sasha and Malia Obama have gone ON RECORD about their love for the JoBros.
– The only other person on the planet with a tighter security detail than the JoBros? You guessed it!: El Presidente Obama.
– Nick has told us that he wants to run for President, so this will be perfect practice for him.
DO YOU THINK the JoBros should perform at the inauguration?