◆The Jonas Brothers Live Chat!
Thu, 15 January 2009
※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
資料來源:〔Just Jared JR〕
Jonas Brothers對於粉絲即將提供的家庭影片可以說是非常興奮與期待,並將它推入另一個高峰。
他們在他們的Myspace寫著:「我們很高興能夠與這些fans家庭一起分享他們的經歷。我們大概花了五個小時討論這一批fans們的經歷。這真的是個很棒的體驗。下一批的家庭經歷(FanFamily Experience)即將在這個一月十八日,禮拜日的下午五點舉行,來參與我們第一次的現場視訊對話!」
◎ http://www.Justin.tv/JonasBrothers ◎
The Jonas Brothers are really excited about their Fan Family and are taking things to the next level.
The musical trio - Nick, Joe and Kevin - are inviting all their fans to a live chat THIS SUNDAY!
The brothers write in their MySpace, “We had so much fun with our first FanFamily Experience. We spent almost 5 hours commenting to all of our fans. It was awesome! Our next FanFamily Experience is going to be this Sunday!!!! Sunday, January 18th at 5PM EST. Join us for our first live video chat in almost a year and a half!!!”
All you have to do is sign up at Justin.tv and when Sunday comes around, just log in and chat away with the JoBros. This will be the brothers’ first live chat of the new year!
TELL JJJ: Will you be chatting it up with the JoBros?