◆Jonas Brothers to Debut 'BB Good' Music Video on 'Night of Stars'
January 30, 2009 04:54:17 GMT
※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
Jonas Brothers's music video promoting their single "BB Good" will be premiered during Disney Channel's show "Night of Stars". Set to be debuted on February 16 at around 8:20 P.M. (local time), it is said to contain scenes from "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience".
In addition to premiering Jonas Brothers' music video, the show will also become a place to get a first look into Miley Cyrus' music video for her track "The Climb", which will be included in "Hannah Montana: The Movie". Following Miley's video premiere, new Disney Channel Original Movie "Dapnapped", which stars Emily Osment, David Henrie, Jason Earles, Moises Arias and Phill Lewis, will also be aired for the first time.
In related news, Jonas Brothers, who are on the run for Best New Artist with Adele, Duffy, Jazmine Sullivan and Lady Antebellum, will be performing at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards. During the event on February 8 at Los Angeles' STAPLES Center, they are speculated to deliver either "Love Is on Its Way" from their upcoming 3-D movie or "Tonight" from their latest studio album "A Little Bit Longer".
◆BB Good MV將於國外迪士尼頻道撥出
Jonas Brothers將即將再推出他們的新MV,『BB Good』。這支MV將會在迪士尼頻道的Night of Stars show撥出。時間為2月16日大約晚間8點20分。據說會加入Jonas Brothers 3D電影的一些影片。
除了JB的MV外,這場Show還會搶先讓大家看到Miley Cyrus推出的電影"Hannah Montana: The Movie"的mv『The Climb』片段。以及由Emily Osment、David Henrie、Jason Earles、Moises Arias和Phill Lewis演出的新迪士尼原創電影『Dapnapped』的首次亮相。
其他相關消息則是,被葛萊美獎提名的Jonas Brothers,即將與Adele、Duffy、Jazmine Sullivan和Lady Antebellum一起角逐第五十一屆的最佳新人獎(Best New Artist),頒獎典禮於2月8日的洛杉磯Staples中心舉行,傳聞他們於當天表演的曲目若非是他們《3D電影原聲帶》曲目<Love Is on Its Way>,就是收錄於《A Little Bit Longer》的<Tonight>。 ㄟ~BB Good~因為我之前放過~不過依理論我還是會再放給大家欣賞~