◆The Jonas Brothers: They Filmed Everything!
Tue, 10 February 2009 at 12:52 am
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The Jonas Brothers sit down with ET and dished about their upcoming flick, great Grammy moments and going shirtless.
Check out what Nick, Joe and Kevin had to say:
On the filming the shirtless scenes in 3D Concert Experience: “Performing on stage will get you working out enough. It was funny because they told us that they were going to film everything - backstage, our quick change room and we forgot. We ran down there and there were cameras in our dressing room and you see us kind of freak out like - ‘Woah!’”
On the private screening in Texas: “We drove and surprised some fans who were watching the private screening. We just showed up and we kind of watched it with them. It was really cool to see their reactions — when they laughed and what was funny. We wanna do that more often, so we might pop in on another screening.”
On Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus’s Grammy performance: “It was great. Her [Taylor] performance with Miley was such a classic Grammy moment, them singing together for the first time. It sounded awesome. We think is was great that it showed both of their vocal abilities.”
On their favorite things from Grammy week: “Performing with Stevie [Wonder] was the highlight of the century. It was amazing. Meeting some amazing people — Chris Martin and all of Coldplay.”
這是Jonas Brothers與ET稍早前的訪談,談論到他們即將上映的電影,葛萊美的榮耀時刻,還有…拖掉上衣!
關於Taylor Swift和Miley Cyrus在葛萊美的表演:他們的很棒!Taylor與Miley一起表演的畫面,可以說是這屆葛萊美的經典時刻!何況這又是他們一起的第一次演出!我們認為他們都展現出他們各自獨特的嗓音,非常棒!
葛萊美禮拜當中,他們最喜歡的事情:能與Stevie Wonder一起演出可以說是我們存活的這世紀最高榮耀!這張的很難忘!!當然還有遇見許多名人,像是Chris Martin和Coldplay的所有團員。