◆The Jonas Brothers Team Up with Timbaland
Wed, 04 March 2009 at 1:47 pm
※轉載請註明/Please credict to:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR〕
原文 /Original text :
The Jonas Brothers surprised their fans this past weekend in Dallas,
Texas during their surprise theater invasion and made another surprise announcement.
Nick, Joe and Kevin are teaming up with music producer Timbaland to release a special remix of their hit song,
“Tonight.” The remixed song will be exclusively available to Blackberry Storm users first.
Kevin shared with E!, “We get to do something special for ourselves as well with Timbaland for
this release of our brand new single ‘Tonight’ and a remix that he’s doing of the song.
This is the first time we get to work together and that’s really exciting for us.”
Jonas Brothers的戲院驚喜行動,在上週末抵達了德州的達拉斯,這使當地的粉絲們驚叫聲不斷,因為除了這次的突如見面外,JB還對大家宣佈了另一個驚喜……
Nick、Joe和Kevin將與音樂製作人Timbaland合作,發行他們這次新主打單曲<Tonight>的混音版!而這次的混音版將會獨家先讓Blackberry Storm(黑莓機)的使用者先行享受。
The Jonas Brothers & Timbaland in Dallas, Texas